- Company Overview for COBHAM LIMITED (00030470)
- Filing history for COBHAM LIMITED (00030470)
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Date (document was filed at Companies House) | Type | Description (of the document filed at Companies House) | View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) |
05 Jul 1993 | RESOLUTIONS |
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentResolutions |
05 Jul 1993 | RESOLUTIONS |
29 Jun 1993 | 288 |
Director's particulars changed
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Request DocumentDirector's particulars changed |
29 Jun 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 08/06/93--------- £ si 1402@.25=350 £ ic 18720660/18721010
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 08/06/93--------- £ si 1402@.25=350 £ ic 18720660/18721010 |
29 Jun 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 17/06/93--------- £ si 1210@.25=302 £ ic 18720358/18720660
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 17/06/93--------- £ si 1210@.25=302 £ ic 18720358/18720660 |
15 Jun 1993 | AA | Full group accounts made up to 31 December 1992 | |
03 Jun 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 27/05/93--------- £ si 22480@.25=5620 £ ic 18714738/18720358
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 27/05/93--------- £ si 22480@.25=5620 £ ic 18714738/18720358 |
28 May 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 17/05/93--------- £ si 126182@.25=31545 £ ic 18683193/18714738
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 17/05/93--------- £ si 126182@.25=31545 £ ic 18683193/18714738 |
19 May 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 07/05/93--------- £ si 1389@.25=347 £ ic 18682846/18683193
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 07/05/93--------- £ si 1389@.25=347 £ ic 18682846/18683193 |
19 May 1993 | 288 |
Director's particulars changed
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentDirector's particulars changed |
11 May 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 28/04/93--------- £ si 318@.25=79 £ ic 18682767/18682846
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 28/04/93--------- £ si 318@.25=79 £ ic 18682767/18682846 |
11 May 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 26/04/93--------- £ si 318@.25=79 £ ic 18682688/18682767
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 26/04/93--------- £ si 318@.25=79 £ ic 18682688/18682767 |
27 Apr 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 02/04/93--------- £ si 382@.25=95 £ ic 18682593/18682688
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 02/04/93--------- £ si 382@.25=95 £ ic 18682593/18682688 |
27 Apr 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 01/04/93--------- £ si 209@.25=52 £ ic 18682541/18682593
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 01/04/93--------- £ si 209@.25=52 £ ic 18682541/18682593 |
30 Mar 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 18/03/93--------- £ si 605@.25=151 £ ic 18682390/18682541
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 18/03/93--------- £ si 605@.25=151 £ ic 18682390/18682541 |
22 Mar 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 15/03/93--------- premium £ si 569@.25=142 £ ic 18682248/18682390
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 15/03/93--------- premium £ si 569@.25=142 £ ic 18682248/18682390 |
18 Mar 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 09/03/93--------- £ si 1210@.25=302 £ ic 18681946/18682248
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 09/03/93--------- £ si 1210@.25=302 £ ic 18681946/18682248 |
18 Mar 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 08/03/93--------- £ si 157@.25=39 £ ic 18681907/18681946
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 08/03/93--------- £ si 157@.25=39 £ ic 18681907/18681946 |
04 Mar 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 25/02/93--------- premium £ si 318@.25=79 £ ic 18681828/18681907
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 25/02/93--------- premium £ si 318@.25=79 £ ic 18681828/18681907 |
26 Feb 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 18/02/93--------- £ si 1339@.25=334 £ ic 18681494/18681828
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 18/02/93--------- £ si 1339@.25=334 £ ic 18681494/18681828 |
21 Feb 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 11/02/93--------- premium £ si 318@.25=79 £ ic 18681415/18681494
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 11/02/93--------- premium £ si 318@.25=79 £ ic 18681415/18681494 |
21 Feb 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 10/02/93--------- premium £ si 382@.25=95 £ ic 18681320/18681415
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 10/02/93--------- premium £ si 382@.25=95 £ ic 18681320/18681415 |
21 Feb 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 09/02/93--------- premium £ si 954@.25=238 £ ic 18681082/18681320
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 09/02/93--------- premium £ si 954@.25=238 £ ic 18681082/18681320 |
17 Feb 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 08/02/93--------- £ si 43532@.25=10883 £ ic 18670199/18681082
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 08/02/93--------- £ si 43532@.25=10883 £ ic 18670199/18681082 |
17 Feb 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 05/02/93--------- £ si 1400@.25=350 £ ic 18669849/18670199
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 05/02/93--------- £ si 1400@.25=350 £ ic 18669849/18670199 |