Company number 00057410
Date (document was filed at Companies House) | Type | Description (of the document filed at Companies House) | View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) |
25 Jan 1994 | 88(2)R |
Ad 04/01/94--------- £ si 54998@.25=13749 £ ic 846830301/846844050
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Request DocumentAd 04/01/94--------- £ si 54998@.25=13749 £ ic 846830301/846844050 |
18 Jan 1994 | 88(2)R |
Ad 21/12/93--------- £ si 11666@.25=2916 £ ic 846827385/846830301
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Request DocumentAd 21/12/93--------- £ si 11666@.25=2916 £ ic 846827385/846830301 |
24 Dec 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 07/12/93--------- £ si 21666@.25=5416 £ ic 846821969/846827385
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Request DocumentAd 07/12/93--------- £ si 21666@.25=5416 £ ic 846821969/846827385 |
24 Dec 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 07/12/93--------- £ si 35499@.25=8874 £ ic 846813095/846821969
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Request DocumentAd 07/12/93--------- £ si 35499@.25=8874 £ ic 846813095/846821969 |
24 Dec 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 07/12/93--------- £ si 377@.25=94 £ ic 846813001/846813095
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Request DocumentAd 07/12/93--------- £ si 377@.25=94 £ ic 846813001/846813095 |
24 Dec 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 01/12/93--------- £ si 251@.25=62 £ ic 846812939/846813001
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Request DocumentAd 01/12/93--------- £ si 251@.25=62 £ ic 846812939/846813001 |
17 Dec 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 26/10/93--------- £ si 2801@.25=700 £ ic 846812239/846812939
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Request DocumentAd 26/10/93--------- £ si 2801@.25=700 £ ic 846812239/846812939 |
17 Dec 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 26/10/93--------- £ si 15389@.25=3847 £ ic 846808392/846812239
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Request DocumentAd 26/10/93--------- £ si 15389@.25=3847 £ ic 846808392/846812239 |
17 Dec 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 26/10/93--------- £ si 20489@.25=5122 £ ic 846803270/846808392
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Request DocumentAd 26/10/93--------- £ si 20489@.25=5122 £ ic 846803270/846808392 |
17 Dec 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 15/11/93--------- £ si 1031@.25=257 £ ic 846803013/846803270
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Request DocumentAd 15/11/93--------- £ si 1031@.25=257 £ ic 846803013/846803270 |
17 Dec 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 15/11/93--------- £ si 5739@.25=1434 £ ic 846801579/846803013
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Request DocumentAd 15/11/93--------- £ si 5739@.25=1434 £ ic 846801579/846803013 |
17 Dec 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 15/11/93--------- £ si 21674@.25=5418 £ ic 846796161/846801579
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Request DocumentAd 15/11/93--------- £ si 21674@.25=5418 £ ic 846796161/846801579 |
14 Dec 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 21/10/93--------- £ si 1412@.25=353 £ ic 846795808/846796161
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Request DocumentAd 21/10/93--------- £ si 1412@.25=353 £ ic 846795808/846796161 |
13 Dec 1993 | 288 |
Director resigned
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Request DocumentDirector resigned |
09 Dec 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 18/11/93--------- £ si 764@.25=191 £ ic 846795617/846795808
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Request DocumentAd 18/11/93--------- £ si 764@.25=191 £ ic 846795617/846795808 |
09 Dec 1993 | 88(2) |
Ad 18/11/93--------- £ si 8333@.25=2083 £ ic 846793534/846795617
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Request DocumentAd 18/11/93--------- £ si 8333@.25=2083 £ ic 846793534/846795617 |
09 Dec 1993 | 88(2) |
Ad 18/11/93--------- £ si 15000@.25=3750 £ ic 846789784/846793534
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Request DocumentAd 18/11/93--------- £ si 15000@.25=3750 £ ic 846789784/846793534 |
09 Dec 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 18/11/93--------- £ si 219364@.25=54841 £ ic 846734943/846789784
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Request DocumentAd 18/11/93--------- £ si 219364@.25=54841 £ ic 846734943/846789784 |
09 Dec 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 15/11/93--------- £ si 38332@.25=9583 £ ic 846725360/846734943
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Request DocumentAd 15/11/93--------- £ si 38332@.25=9583 £ ic 846725360/846734943 |
09 Dec 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 28/09/93--------- £ si 16666@.25=4166 £ ic 846721194/846725360
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Request DocumentAd 28/09/93--------- £ si 16666@.25=4166 £ ic 846721194/846725360 |
09 Dec 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 27/09/93--------- £ si 33332@.25=8333 £ ic 846712861/846721194
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Request DocumentAd 27/09/93--------- £ si 33332@.25=8333 £ ic 846712861/846721194 |
09 Dec 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 24/09/93--------- £ si 83333@.25=20833 £ ic 846692028/846712861
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Request DocumentAd 24/09/93--------- £ si 83333@.25=20833 £ ic 846692028/846712861 |
09 Dec 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 20/09/93--------- £ si 17500@.25=4375 £ ic 846687653/846692028
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Request DocumentAd 20/09/93--------- £ si 17500@.25=4375 £ ic 846687653/846692028 |
09 Dec 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 20/09/93--------- £ si 32500@.25=8125 £ ic 846679528/846687653
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Request DocumentAd 20/09/93--------- £ si 32500@.25=8125 £ ic 846679528/846687653 |
09 Dec 1993 | 88(2)R |
Ad 20/09/93--------- £ si 152494@.25=38123 £ ic 846641405/846679528
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Request DocumentAd 20/09/93--------- £ si 152494@.25=38123 £ ic 846641405/846679528 |