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Company number 00170679

Charge code 0017 0679 0018

21 June 2023
22 June 2023
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • National Westminster Bank PLC

Brief description

Pooley bridge inn, pooley bridge, penrith CA10 2NN registered at the land registry with title number CU194935; puss in boots, nangreave road, stockport SK2 6DG registered at the land registry with title number MAN263528; queens head hotel, town head, troutbeck, windermere LA23 1PW registered at the land registry with title number CU82778; bleeding wolf, 121 congleton road north, scholar green, stoke-on-trent ST7 3BQ registered at the land registry with title number CH688370; unicorn packaging centre frederic robinson LTD, ashton road, bredbury park industrial estate, bredbury, stockport SK6 2QN registered at the land registry with title number MAN407109; flowerpot inn, 1 congleton rd, macclesfield, SK11 7UF registered at the land registry with title number CH643530.
Contains fixed charge.
Contains negative pledge.