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Company number 00290797

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Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
05 Sep 1993 88(2)R Ad 25/08/93--------- £ si 2452@.25=613 £ ic 71283223/71283836
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Request DocumentAd 25/08/93--------- £ si 2452@.25=613 £ ic 71283223/71283836
30 Aug 1993 88(2)R Ad 17/08/93--------- £ si 24900@.25=6225 £ ic 71276998/71283223
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Request DocumentAd 17/08/93--------- £ si 24900@.25=6225 £ ic 71276998/71283223
30 Aug 1993 88(2)R Ad 13/08/93--------- £ si 353720@.25=88430 £ ic 71188568/71276998
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Request DocumentAd 13/08/93--------- £ si 353720@.25=88430 £ ic 71188568/71276998
30 Aug 1993 88(2)R Ad 12/08/93--------- £ si 33700@.25=8425 £ ic 71180143/71188568
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Request DocumentAd 12/08/93--------- £ si 33700@.25=8425 £ ic 71180143/71188568
22 Aug 1993 88(2)R Ad 10/08/93--------- £ si 383800@.25=95950 £ ic 71084193/71180143
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Request DocumentAd 10/08/93--------- £ si 383800@.25=95950 £ ic 71084193/71180143
13 Aug 1993 88(2)R Ad 09/08/93--------- £ si 979@.25=244 £ ic 71083949/71084193
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Request DocumentAd 09/08/93--------- £ si 979@.25=244 £ ic 71083949/71084193
30 Jul 1993 88(2)R Ad 27/07/93--------- £ si 2133@.25=533 £ ic 71083416/71083949
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Request DocumentAd 27/07/93--------- £ si 2133@.25=533 £ ic 71083416/71083949
30 Jul 1993 88(2)R Ad 27/07/93--------- £ si 533@.25=133 £ ic 71083283/71083416
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 27/07/93--------- £ si 533@.25=133 £ ic 71083283/71083416
14 Jul 1993 88(2)R Ad 04/06/93--------- £ si 363138@.25=90784 £ ic 70992499/71083283
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 04/06/93--------- £ si 363138@.25=90784 £ ic 70992499/71083283
22 Jun 1993 88(2)R Ad 14/06/93--------- £ si 1893@.25=473 £ ic 70992026/70992499
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Request DocumentAd 14/06/93--------- £ si 1893@.25=473 £ ic 70992026/70992499
16 Jun 1993 363x Return made up to 22/05/93; bulk list available separately
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Request DocumentReturn made up to 22/05/93; bulk list available separately
03 Jun 1993 88(2)R Ad 24/05/93--------- £ si 262@.25=65 £ ic 70991961/70992026
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Request DocumentAd 24/05/93--------- £ si 262@.25=65 £ ic 70991961/70992026
24 May 1993 88(2)R Ad 14/05/93--------- £ si 3689@.25=922 £ ic 70959989/70960911
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 14/05/93--------- £ si 3689@.25=922 £ ic 70959989/70960911
24 May 1993 88(2)R Ad 06/05/93--------- £ si 124200@.25=31050 £ ic 70960911/70991961
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Request DocumentAd 06/05/93--------- £ si 124200@.25=31050 £ ic 70960911/70991961
18 May 1993 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • ORES13 ‐ Ordinary resolution
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Request DocumentResolutions
18 May 1993 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • ORES10 ‐ Ordinary resolution of allotment of securities
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Request DocumentResolutions
18 May 1993 288 Secretary resigned;director resigned
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentSecretary resigned;director resigned
18 May 1993 288 Secretary resigned;new secretary appointed
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentSecretary resigned;new secretary appointed
06 May 1993 88(2)R Ad 28/04/93--------- £ si 295@.25=73 £ ic 70959916/70959989
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 28/04/93--------- £ si 295@.25=73 £ ic 70959916/70959989
06 May 1993 88(2)R Ad 28/04/93--------- £ si 2011@.25=502 £ ic 70959414/70959916
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 28/04/93--------- £ si 2011@.25=502 £ ic 70959414/70959916
29 Apr 1993 88(2)R Ad 14/04/93--------- £ si 24200@.25=6050 £ ic 70953364/70959414
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 14/04/93--------- £ si 24200@.25=6050 £ ic 70953364/70959414
25 Apr 1993 88(2)R Ad 31/03/93--------- £ si 27700@.25=6925 £ ic 70946439/70953364
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 31/03/93--------- £ si 27700@.25=6925 £ ic 70946439/70953364
19 Apr 1993 AA Full group accounts made up to 31 December 1992
18 Mar 1993 88(2)R Ad 11/03/93--------- £ si 891@.25=222 £ ic 70946217/70946439
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 11/03/93--------- £ si 891@.25=222 £ ic 70946217/70946439
22 Jan 1993 88(2)R Ad 07/01/93--------- £ si 2446@.25=611 £ ic 70945606/70946217
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 07/01/93--------- £ si 2446@.25=611 £ ic 70945606/70946217