- Company Overview for FALKLAND PROPERTIES LIMITED (00331239)
- Filing history for FALKLAND PROPERTIES LIMITED (00331239)
- Charges for FALKLAND PROPERTIES LIMITED (00331239)
- Insolvency for FALKLAND PROPERTIES LIMITED (00331239)
Date (document was filed at Companies House) | Type | Description (of the document filed at Companies House) | View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) |
10 Feb 2015 | MR04 | Satisfaction of charge 5 in full | |
10 Feb 2015 | MR04 | Satisfaction of charge 7 in full | |
10 Feb 2015 | MR04 | Satisfaction of charge 10 in full | |
10 Feb 2015 | MR04 | Satisfaction of charge 4 in full | |
10 Feb 2015 | MR04 | Satisfaction of charge 8 in full | |
10 Feb 2015 | MR04 | Satisfaction of charge 9 in full | |
27 Jan 2015 | AR01 |
Annual return made up to 4 December 2014 with full list of shareholders
Statement of capital on 2015-01-27
22 Sep 2014 | AA | Total exemption small company accounts made up to 31 December 2013 | |
02 Jun 2014 | MR05 | All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 10 | |
02 Jun 2014 | MR05 | All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 3 | |
02 Jun 2014 | MR05 | All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 9 | |
02 Jun 2014 | MR05 | All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 6 | |
02 Jun 2014 | MR05 | All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 1 | |
02 Jun 2014 | MR05 | All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 5 | |
02 Jun 2014 | MR05 | All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 4 | |
02 Jun 2014 | MR05 | All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 7 | |
02 Jun 2014 | MR05 | All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 8 | |
02 Jun 2014 | MR05 | All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 2 | |
06 May 2014 | TM02 | Termination of appointment of Stella Gould as a secretary | |
06 May 2014 | TM01 | Termination of appointment of Stella Gould as a director | |
06 May 2014 | AP03 | Appointment of Belinda Gail Nathan as a secretary | |
06 May 2014 | AP01 | Appointment of Mr. Antony Lloyd Nathan as a director | |
09 Jan 2014 | AR01 |
Annual return made up to 4 December 2013 with full list of shareholders
Statement of capital on 2014-01-09
30 Sep 2013 | AA | Total exemption small company accounts made up to 31 December 2012 | |
25 Jan 2013 | AR01 | Annual return made up to 4 December 2012 with full list of shareholders |