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Company number 00349014

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Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
14 Dec 2009 CH01 Director's details changed for John Alexander Heller on 1 October 2009
14 Dec 2009 CH01 Director's details changed for Mrs Morven Heller on 1 October 2009
14 Dec 2009 CH01 Director's details changed for Andrew Robert Heller on 1 October 2009
14 Dec 2009 AD01 Registered office address changed from C/O Hart Shaw Chartered Accountants Europa Link Sheffield Business Park Sheffield South Yorkshire S9 1XU on 14 December 2009
14 Dec 2009 CH01 Director's details changed for Mr Michael Aron Heller on 1 October 2009
14 Dec 2009 CH03 Secretary's details changed for Andrew Robert Heller on 1 October 2009
31 Jan 2009 AA Accounts for a small company made up to 31 March 2008
16 Dec 2008 363a Return made up to 10/11/08; full list of members
  • ANNOTATION Other The address of Mr Andrew Robert Heller, secretary / director of ken - crav investments LTD was replaced with a service address on 13/01/2020 under section 1088 of the Companies Act 2006.
  • ANNOTATION Other The address of John Alexander Heller, director of ken - crav investments LTD , was replaced with a service address on 13/01/2020 under section 1088 of the Companies Act 2006.
02 Feb 2008 AA Accounts for a small company made up to 31 March 2007
14 Jan 2008 363a Return made up to 10/11/07; full list of members
  • ANNOTATION Other The address of Mr Andrew Robert Heller, secretary / director of ken - crav investments LTD was replaced with a service address on 13/01/2020 under section 1088 of the Companies Act 2006.
  • ANNOTATION Other The address of John Alexander Heller, director of ken - crav investments LTD , was replaced with a service address on 13/01/2020 under section 1088 of the Companies Act 2006.
06 Feb 2007 AA Accounts for a small company made up to 31 March 2006
21 Dec 2006 363a Return made up to 10/11/06; full list of members
  • ANNOTATION Other The address of John Alexander Heller, director of ken - crav investments LTD , was replaced with a service address on 13/01/2020 under section 1088 of the Companies Act 2006.
  • ANNOTATION Other The address of Mr Andrew Robert Heller, secretary / director of ken - crav investments LTD was replaced with a service address on 13/01/2020 under section 1088 of the Companies Act 2006.
21 Dec 2006 353 Location of register of members
13 Feb 2006 AA Accounts for a small company made up to 31 March 2005
05 Jan 2006 363s Return made up to 10/11/05; full list of members
  • ANNOTATION Other The address of John Alexander Heller, director of ken - crav investments LTD , was replaced with a service address on 13/01/2020 under section 1088 of the Companies Act 2006.
  • ANNOTATION Other The address of Mr Andrew Robert Heller, secretary / director of ken - crav investments LTD was replaced with a service address on 13/01/2020 under section 1088 of the Companies Act 2006.
09 Apr 2005 AA Accounts for a small company made up to 31 March 2004
10 Dec 2004 287 Registered office changed on 10/12/04 from: the hart shaw building europa link sheffield business park sheffield south yorkshire S9 1XU
10 Dec 2004 363s Return made up to 10/11/04; full list of members
  • ANNOTATION Other The address of John Alexander Heller, director of ken - crav investments LTD , was replaced with a service address on 13/01/2020 under section 1088 of the Companies Act 2006.
  • ANNOTATION Other The address of Mr Andrew Robert Heller, secretary / director of ken - crav investments LTD was replaced with a service address on 13/01/2020 under section 1088 of the Companies Act 2006.
30 Nov 2004 287 Registered office changed on 30/11/04 from: 37 moorgate road rotherham yorks S60 2AD
05 Feb 2004 AA Accounts for a small company made up to 31 March 2003
12 Dec 2003 363s Return made up to 10/11/03; full list of members
  • ANNOTATION Other The address of John Alexander Heller, director of ken - crav investments LTD , was replaced with a service address on 13/01/2020 under section 1088 of the Companies Act 2006.
  • ANNOTATION Other The address of Mr Andrew Robert Heller, secretary / director of ken - crav investments LTD was replaced with a service address on 13/01/2020 under section 1088 of the Companies Act 2006.
06 Feb 2003 AA Accounts for a small company made up to 31 March 2002
10 Dec 2002 363s Return made up to 10/11/02; full list of members
  • ANNOTATION Other The address of John Alexander Heller, director of ken - crav investments LTD , was replaced with a service address on 13/01/2020 under section 1088 of the Companies Act 2006.
  • ANNOTATION Other The address of Mr Andrew Robert Heller, secretary / director of ken - crav investments LTD was replaced with a service address on 13/01/2020 under section 1088 of the Companies Act 2006.
02 Feb 2002 AA Accounts for a small company made up to 31 March 2001
21 Nov 2001 363s Return made up to 10/11/01; full list of members
  • ANNOTATION Other The address of John Alexander Heller, director of ken - crav investments LTD , was replaced with a service address on 13/01/2020 under section 1088 of the Companies Act 2006.