- Company Overview for MOORE PROPERTIES (ILFORD) LIMITED(THE) (00390182)
- Filing history for MOORE PROPERTIES (ILFORD) LIMITED(THE) (00390182)
Date (document was filed at Companies House) | Type | Description (of the document filed at Companies House) | View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) |
14 Dec 2012 | MG01 | Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge no: 61 | |
14 Dec 2012 | MG01 | Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge no: 63 | |
14 Dec 2012 | MG01 | Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge no: 62 | |
14 Dec 2012 | MG01 | Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge no: 64 | |
14 Dec 2012 | MG01 | Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge no: 65 | |
14 Dec 2012 | MG01 | Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge no: 66 | |
14 Dec 2012 | MG01 | Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge no: 67 | |
13 Dec 2012 | MG02 | Declaration of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge /full /charge no 53 | |
13 Dec 2012 | MG02 | Declaration of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge /full /charge no 50 | |
13 Dec 2012 | MG02 | Declaration of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge /full /charge no 47 | |
13 Dec 2012 | MG02 | Declaration of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge /full /charge no 52 | |
06 Dec 2012 | AA | Accounts for a small company made up to 31 March 2012 | |
12 Sep 2012 | AD01 | Registered office address changed from Office a East Gainsborough, 1 Poole Street London N1 5ED United Kingdom on 12 September 2012 | |
12 Sep 2012 | CH01 | Director's details changed for Mr Andrew Craige Curtis on 24 October 2011 | |
12 Sep 2012 | MG02 | Declaration of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge /full /charge no 55 | |
03 Sep 2012 | MG02 | Declaration of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge /full /charge no 39 | |
03 Sep 2012 | MG02 | Declaration of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge /full /charge no 40 | |
03 Sep 2012 | MG02 | Declaration of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge /full /charge no 58 | |
09 Aug 2012 | CH04 | Secretary's details changed for Bagshot Business Consultants Limited on 8 August 2012 | |
13 Jan 2012 | MG02 | Declaration of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge /full /charge no 51 | |
13 Jan 2012 | MG02 | Declaration of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge /full /charge no 49 | |
13 Jan 2012 | MG02 | Declaration of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge /full /charge no 48 | |
05 Jan 2012 | AR01 | Annual return made up to 31 December 2011 with full list of shareholders | |
30 Dec 2011 | AA | Accounts for a small company made up to 31 March 2011 | |
03 Jun 2011 | MG02 | Declaration of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge /full /charge no 56 |