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Company number 00420575

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Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
14 Feb 1994 123 Nc inc already adjusted 19/01/94
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Request DocumentNc inc already adjusted 19/01/94
14 Feb 1994 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • ORES10 ‐ Ordinary resolution of allotment of securities
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Request DocumentResolutions
14 Feb 1994 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • ORES04 ‐ Ordinary resolution of increasing authorised share capital
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Request DocumentResolutions
14 Feb 1994 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • SRES11 ‐ Special resolution of removal of pre-emption rights
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Request DocumentResolutions
02 Feb 1994 88(2)P Ad 16/12/93-04/01/94 £ si 17992159@.25=4498039 £ ic 99240327/103738366
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Request DocumentAd 16/12/93-04/01/94 £ si 17992159@.25=4498039 £ ic 99240327/103738366
21 Jan 1994 395 Particulars of mortgage/charge
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Request DocumentParticulars of mortgage/charge
10 Jan 1994 88(2)R Ad 23/12/93--------- £ si 7000@.25=1750 £ ic 99238577/99240327
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Request DocumentAd 23/12/93--------- £ si 7000@.25=1750 £ ic 99238577/99240327
10 Jan 1994 88(2)R Ad 23/12/93--------- £ si 3103@.25=775 £ ic 99237802/99238577
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Request DocumentAd 23/12/93--------- £ si 3103@.25=775 £ ic 99237802/99238577
10 Jan 1994 88(2)R Ad 23/12/93--------- £ si 5745@.25=1436 £ ic 99236366/99237802
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Request DocumentAd 23/12/93--------- £ si 5745@.25=1436 £ ic 99236366/99237802
10 Jan 1994 88(2)R Ad 23/12/93--------- £ si 1231@.25=307 £ ic 99236059/99236366
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Request DocumentAd 23/12/93--------- £ si 1231@.25=307 £ ic 99236059/99236366
10 Jan 1994 88(2)R Ad 23/12/93--------- £ si 2500@.25=625 £ ic 99235434/99236059
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Request DocumentAd 23/12/93--------- £ si 2500@.25=625 £ ic 99235434/99236059
10 Jan 1994 88(2)R Ad 23/12/93--------- £ si 2257@.25=564 £ ic 99234870/99235434
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Request DocumentAd 23/12/93--------- £ si 2257@.25=564 £ ic 99234870/99235434
03 Dec 1993 88(2)R Ad 15/11/93--------- £ si 7900@.25=1975 £ ic 99232895/99234870
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Request DocumentAd 15/11/93--------- £ si 7900@.25=1975 £ ic 99232895/99234870
12 Oct 1993 88(2)R Ad 30/09/93--------- £ si 666@.25=166 £ ic 99232729/99232895
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Request DocumentAd 30/09/93--------- £ si 666@.25=166 £ ic 99232729/99232895
12 Oct 1993 88(2)R Ad 30/09/93--------- £ si 7488@.25=1872 £ ic 99230857/99232729
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 30/09/93--------- £ si 7488@.25=1872 £ ic 99230857/99232729
07 Oct 1993 88(2)R Ad 13/09/93--------- £ si 4821@.25=1205 £ ic 99229652/99230857
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 13/09/93--------- £ si 4821@.25=1205 £ ic 99229652/99230857
17 Sep 1993 88(2)R Ad 01/09/93--------- £ si 11823@.25=2955 £ ic 99226697/99229652
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 01/09/93--------- £ si 11823@.25=2955 £ ic 99226697/99229652
17 Sep 1993 88(2)R Ad 01/09/93--------- £ si 1179@.25=294 £ ic 99226403/99226697
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 01/09/93--------- £ si 1179@.25=294 £ ic 99226403/99226697
17 Sep 1993 88(2)R Ad 01/09/93--------- £ si 1333@.25=333 £ ic 99226070/99226403
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 01/09/93--------- £ si 1333@.25=333 £ ic 99226070/99226403
15 Sep 1993 88(2)R Ad 27/07/93--------- £ si 64684410@.25=16171102 £ ic 83054968/99226070
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 27/07/93--------- £ si 64684410@.25=16171102 £ ic 83054968/99226070
04 Sep 1993 403b Declaration of mortgage charge released/ceased
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Request DocumentDeclaration of mortgage charge released/ceased
04 Sep 1993 403a Declaration of satisfaction of mortgage/charge
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentDeclaration of satisfaction of mortgage/charge
04 Sep 1993 403a Declaration of satisfaction of mortgage/charge
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentDeclaration of satisfaction of mortgage/charge
04 Sep 1993 403a Declaration of satisfaction of mortgage/charge
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentDeclaration of satisfaction of mortgage/charge
04 Sep 1993 403a Declaration of satisfaction of mortgage/charge
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentDeclaration of satisfaction of mortgage/charge