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Company number 00565649

Persons with significant control: 2 persons with significant control / 0 statements

Timothy James Sharpley

Correspondence address
14a, Haven Road, Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom, BH13 7LP
Notified on
30 September 2018
Date of birth
August 1965
Country of residence
United Kingdom
Nature of control
Ownership of shares – 75% or more with control over the trustees of a trust
Ownership of voting rights - 75% or more with control over the trustees of a trust
Right to appoint or remove directors with control over the trustees of a trust

Mr Nigel Robert Smith

Correspondence address
14a, Haven Road, Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom, BH13 7LP
Notified on
30 September 2018
Date of birth
March 1964
Country of residence
Nature of control
Ownership of shares – 75% or more with control over the trustees of a trust
Ownership of voting rights - 75% or more with control over the trustees of a trust
Right to appoint or remove directors with control over the trustees of a trust

Mr John Bernard Windsor-Pleydell Ceased

Correspondence address
2-8 Parkstone Road, Towngate House, Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom, BH15 2PW
Notified on
6 April 2016
Ceased on
30 September 2018
Date of birth
July 1922
Country of residence
United Kingdom
Nature of control
Ownership of shares – 75% or more
Ownership of voting rights - 75% or more

Mr John Bernard Windsor-Pleydell Ceased

Correspondence address
2-8 Parkstone Road, Towngate House, Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom, BH15 2PW
Notified on
6 April 2016
Ceased on
10 August 2018
Date of birth
July 1922
Country of residence
United Kingdom
Nature of control
Ownership of shares – More than 50% but less than 75%
Ownership of voting rights - More than 50% but less than 75%
Right to appoint or remove directors

Mrs Annis Joyce Windsor-Pleydell Ceased

Correspondence address
2-8 Parkstone Road, Towngate House, Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom, BH15 2PW
Notified on
6 April 2016
Ceased on
2 March 2017
Date of birth
May 1921
Country of residence
United Kingdom
Nature of control
Ownership of voting rights - More than 25% but not more than 50%
Has significant influence or control