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Company number 00621757

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Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
23 Aug 1993 88(2)R Ad 13/08/93--------- £ si 5486@.125=685 £ ic 48890236/48890921
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Request DocumentAd 13/08/93--------- £ si 5486@.125=685 £ ic 48890236/48890921
23 Aug 1993 88(2)R Ad 12/08/93--------- £ si 4583@.125=572 £ ic 48889664/48890236
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Request DocumentAd 12/08/93--------- £ si 4583@.125=572 £ ic 48889664/48890236
23 Aug 1993 88(2)R Ad 10/08/93--------- £ si 11357@.125=1419 £ ic 48888245/48889664
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 10/08/93--------- £ si 11357@.125=1419 £ ic 48888245/48889664
21 Aug 1993 88(2)R Ad 05/08/93--------- £ si 7739@.125=967 £ ic 48887278/48888245
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 05/08/93--------- £ si 7739@.125=967 £ ic 48887278/48888245
21 Aug 1993 88(2)R Ad 03/08/93--------- £ si 10554@.125=1319 £ ic 48885959/48887278
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Request DocumentAd 03/08/93--------- £ si 10554@.125=1319 £ ic 48885959/48887278
28 Jul 1993 88(2)R Ad 20/07/93--------- £ si 1653@.125=206 £ ic 48885753/48885959
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Request DocumentAd 20/07/93--------- £ si 1653@.125=206 £ ic 48885753/48885959
28 Jul 1993 88(2)R Ad 14/07/93--------- £ si 8749@.125=1093 £ ic 48884660/48885753
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 14/07/93--------- £ si 8749@.125=1093 £ ic 48884660/48885753
28 Jul 1993 88(2)R Ad 08/07/93--------- £ si 6707@.125=838 £ ic 48883822/48884660
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 08/07/93--------- £ si 6707@.125=838 £ ic 48883822/48884660
28 Jul 1993 88(2)R Ad 06/07/93--------- £ si 4859@.125=607 £ ic 48883215/48883822
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 06/07/93--------- £ si 4859@.125=607 £ ic 48883215/48883822
28 Jul 1993 88(2)R Ad 05/07/93--------- £ si 7819@.125=977 £ ic 48882238/48883215
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 05/07/93--------- £ si 7819@.125=977 £ ic 48882238/48883215
28 Jul 1993 88(2)R Ad 01/07/93--------- £ si 356@.125=44 £ ic 48882194/48882238
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 01/07/93--------- £ si 356@.125=44 £ ic 48882194/48882238
28 Jul 1993 88(2)R Ad 01/07/93--------- £ si 9432@.125=1179 £ ic 48881015/48882194
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 01/07/93--------- £ si 9432@.125=1179 £ ic 48881015/48882194
26 Jul 1993 88(2)R Ad 01/07/93--------- £ si 49575@.125=6196 £ ic 48874819/48881015
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 01/07/93--------- £ si 49575@.125=6196 £ ic 48874819/48881015
23 Jul 1993 88(2)R Ad 01/07/93--------- £ si 322124@.125=40265 £ ic 48834554/48874819
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 01/07/93--------- £ si 322124@.125=40265 £ ic 48834554/48874819
19 Jul 1993 288 Director resigned
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Request DocumentDirector resigned
29 Jun 1993 363x Return made up to 01/06/93; bulk list available separately
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentReturn made up to 01/06/93; bulk list available separately
04 Jun 1993 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • SRES10 ‐ Special resolution of allotment of securities
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentResolutions
21 May 1993 AA Full group accounts made up to 31 December 1992
26 Apr 1993 88(2)R Ad 01/04/93--------- £ si 25666@.125=3208 £ ic 48831346/48834554
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 01/04/93--------- £ si 25666@.125=3208 £ ic 48831346/48834554
17 Mar 1993 88(2)R Ad 04/01/93--------- £ si 49106@.125=6138 £ ic 48825208/48831346
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 04/01/93--------- £ si 49106@.125=6138 £ ic 48825208/48831346
24 Jan 1993 88(2)R Ad 18/01/93--------- £ si 2204@.125=275 £ ic 48824933/48825208
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 18/01/93--------- £ si 2204@.125=275 £ ic 48824933/48825208
24 Jan 1993 88(2)R Ad 08/01/93--------- £ si 10000@.125=1250 £ ic 48823683/48824933
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 08/01/93--------- £ si 10000@.125=1250 £ ic 48823683/48824933
12 Jan 1993 288 New director appointed
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentNew director appointed
12 Jan 1993 288 Director resigned
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentDirector resigned
12 Jan 1993 288 Director resigned
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentDirector resigned