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Company number 00632484

Charge code 0063 2484 0071

15 October 2014
21 October 2014
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Barclays Bank PLC

Brief description

Assignment by way of security to barclays bank PLC, all the company’s rights, title and interest in the shareholder loans in the amount of £2,349,999 between (1) the company and (2) caxton works developments limited; all monies receivable under, arising out of, or evidenced by, any shareholder loans; any other rights, titles, benefits of interests (whether present, future, proprietary contractual or otherwise) of the company in, under, arising out of, or evidenced by, any shareholder loans; charges in favour of barclays bank PLC by way of first fixed charge on the above assets, in each case excluding those which have been validly and effectively assigned to barclays bank PLC; and also any monies (including any deposit, advance or instalment payment) payable to the company for or in connection with the disposal (by whatever means and whether or not permitted by the deed of assignment) of the shareholder loans or any interest in the shareholder loans.
Contains fixed charge.
Contains negative pledge.