- Company Overview for A.F. BUDGE (CONTRACTORS) LIMITED (00743959)
- Filing history for A.F. BUDGE (CONTRACTORS) LIMITED (00743959)
- People for A.F. BUDGE (CONTRACTORS) LIMITED (00743959)
- Charges for A.F. BUDGE (CONTRACTORS) LIMITED (00743959)
- Insolvency for A.F. BUDGE (CONTRACTORS) LIMITED (00743959)
- More for A.F. BUDGE (CONTRACTORS) LIMITED (00743959)
Date (document was filed at Companies House) | Type | Description (of the document filed at Companies House) | View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) |
02 Oct 2015 | AC92 | Restoration by order of the court | |
09 Mar 2005 | 4.43 | Notice of final account prior to dissolution | |
08 Oct 2003 | 4.31 | Appointment of a liquidator | |
24 Dec 2002 | 3.6 | Receiver's abstract of receipts and payments | |
24 Dec 2002 | 405(2) | Receiver ceasing to act | |
05 Mar 2002 | 3.6 | Receiver's abstract of receipts and payments | |
05 Mar 2002 | 3.6 | Receiver's abstract of receipts and payments | |
04 Jan 2002 | 405(2) | Receiver ceasing to act | |
04 Jan 2002 | 405(1) | Appointment of receiver/manager | |
22 Feb 2000 | 3.6 | Receiver's abstract of receipts and payments | |
30 Dec 1999 | 3.6 | Receiver's abstract of receipts and payments | |
30 Dec 1999 | 3.6 | Receiver's abstract of receipts and payments | |
30 Dec 1999 | 3.6 | Receiver's abstract of receipts and payments | |
30 Dec 1999 | 3.6 | Receiver's abstract of receipts and payments | |
06 Dec 1999 | 3.6 | Receiver's abstract of receipts and payments | |
10 Sep 1999 | MISC | 405(2) moore ceased | |
10 Sep 1999 | 405(2) | Receiver ceasing to act | |
28 Jan 1999 | 3.6 | Receiver's abstract of receipts and payments | |
12 Jan 1998 | 3.6 | Receiver's abstract of receipts and payments | |
16 Jan 1997 | 3.6 | Receiver's abstract of receipts and payments | |
26 Oct 1996 | 287 | Registered office changed on 26/10/96 from: coopers & lybrand albion court 5 albion place leeds. LS1 6JP | |
12 Jan 1996 | 3.6 | Receiver's abstract of receipts and payments | |
13 Apr 1995 | 3.10 | Administrative Receiver's report | |
07 Feb 1995 | 3.6 |
Receiver's abstract of receipts and payments
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04 Mar 1994 | 3.6 |
Receiver's abstract of receipts and payments
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentReceiver's abstract of receipts and payments |