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Company number 00929027

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Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
08 Jun 1994 88(2)R Ad 28/04/94--------- premium £ si 1327786@1
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Request DocumentAd 28/04/94--------- premium £ si 1327786@1
06 Jun 1994 MA Memorandum and Articles of Association
06 Jun 1994 88(2)R Ad 17/05/94--------- premium £ si 7819@1=7819 £ ic 1802981696/1802989515
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Request DocumentAd 17/05/94--------- premium £ si 7819@1=7819 £ ic 1802981696/1802989515
06 Jun 1994 88(2)R Ad 17/05/94--------- premium £ si 7680@1=7680 £ ic 1802974016/1802981696
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Request DocumentAd 17/05/94--------- premium £ si 7680@1=7680 £ ic 1802974016/1802981696
26 May 1994 88(2)R Ad 16/05/94--------- premium £ si 34392@1=34392 £ ic 1802939624/1802974016
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Request DocumentAd 16/05/94--------- premium £ si 34392@1=34392 £ ic 1802939624/1802974016
25 May 1994 88(2)R Ad 10/05/94--------- £ si 13242@1=13242 £ ic 1802926382/1802939624
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Request DocumentAd 10/05/94--------- £ si 13242@1=13242 £ ic 1802926382/1802939624
23 May 1994 288 New secretary appointed
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Request DocumentNew secretary appointed
20 May 1994 CERT15 Certificate of reduction of issued capital
20 May 1994 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • SRES05 ‐ Special resolution of decreasing authorised share capital
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19 May 1994 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • SRES04 ‐ Special resolution of increasing authorised share capital
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19 May 1994 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • SRES09 ‐ Special resolution of authority to purchase a number of shares
19 May 1994 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • SRES04 ‐ Special resolution of increasing authorised share capital
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19 May 1994 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • SRES01 ‐ Special resolution of alteration of Memorandum of Association
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19 May 1994 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • ERES13 ‐ Extraordinary resolution
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Request DocumentResolutions
18 May 1994 OC Reduce nom cap to £3250000000
17 May 1994 88(2)R Ad 03/05/94--------- premium £ si 18736@1=18736 £ ic 1807952080/1807970816
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Request DocumentAd 03/05/94--------- premium £ si 18736@1=18736 £ ic 1807952080/1807970816
17 May 1994 88(2)R Ad 03/05/94--------- premium £ si 731@1=731 £ ic 1807951349/1807952080
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Request DocumentAd 03/05/94--------- premium £ si 731@1=731 £ ic 1807951349/1807952080
16 May 1994 88(2)R Ad 03/05/94--------- £ si 5686@1=5686 £ ic 1807945663/1807951349
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Request DocumentAd 03/05/94--------- £ si 5686@1=5686 £ ic 1807945663/1807951349
13 May 1994 88(2)R Ad 26/04/94--------- premium £ si 14351@1=14351 £ ic 1807931312/1807945663
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Request DocumentAd 26/04/94--------- premium £ si 14351@1=14351 £ ic 1807931312/1807945663
13 May 1994 88(2)R Ad 26/04/94--------- premium £ si 11894@1=11894 £ ic 1807919418/1807931312
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Request DocumentAd 26/04/94--------- premium £ si 11894@1=11894 £ ic 1807919418/1807931312
11 May 1994 88(2)R Ad 19/04/94--------- £ si 47951@1=47951 £ ic 1807871467/1807919418
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Request DocumentAd 19/04/94--------- £ si 47951@1=47951 £ ic 1807871467/1807919418
06 May 1994 288 Director resigned
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Request DocumentDirector resigned
04 May 1994 88(2)R Ad 13/04/94--------- £ si 6225@1=6225 £ ic 1807865242/1807871467
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Request DocumentAd 13/04/94--------- £ si 6225@1=6225 £ ic 1807865242/1807871467
04 May 1994 88(2)R Ad 14/04/94--------- £ si 5819@1=5819 £ ic 1807859423/1807865242
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Request DocumentAd 14/04/94--------- £ si 5819@1=5819 £ ic 1807859423/1807865242
04 May 1994 88(2)R Ad 18/04/94--------- £ si 7306@1=7306 £ ic 1807852117/1807859423
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAd 18/04/94--------- £ si 7306@1=7306 £ ic 1807852117/1807859423