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Company number 00955515

Charge code 0095 5515 0012

3 March 2017
7 March 2017
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Lloyds Bank PLC

Brief description

The leasehold property known as (1) nima chemist. 50 friars stile road, richmond, surrey TW10 6NQ registered at the land registry under title number SY251979 (2) nima chemist. 56 and 58 stoneleigh broadway. Stoneleigh, surrey, KT17 2HS.. In addition the following leases are subject to the charge: lease of 56 stoneleigh broadway dated 21/09/2016 made between (1) michael pavlau (2) nima (malden) limited (3) kush parumal arun; lease of 58 stoneleigh broadway and lease for car parking dated 13/01/2017 made between (1) barbara mary perkins, alistair geoffrey perkins and (2) nima (malden) limited.
Contains fixed charge.
Contains floating charge.
Floating charge covers all the property or undertaking of the company.
Contains negative pledge.