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Company number 01036696

Charge code 0103 6696 0020

9 August 2018
10 August 2018
Satisfied on 11 January 2021
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • B M Samuels Finance Group PLC

Brief description

Firstly all that freehold property situate at and known as land lying to the south of northampton road, cogenhoe, south northamptonshire as the same is registered at the land registrywith absolute title under title no. NN223398 secondly all that freehold property situate at and known as the pathway at the back of 1TO17 (odd) station road, cogenhoe, south northamptonshire as the same is registered at the land registry with absolute title under title no NN1019 thirdly all that freehold property situate at and known as land lying to the west of featherstone road, southall middlesex UB2 5AQ as the same is registered with title possessory at the land registry under title no. AGL270716 fourthly all that freehold property situate at and being sussex yard at the back of 57-71 (odd numbers) sussex road southall middlesex UB2 5AQ as the same is registered with title absolute under title no. MX134422 fifthly all that freehold property situate at and known as 1 home villas featherstone road southall UB2 5AH as the same is registered with absolute title under title no. MX143912 sixthly all that freehold property situate at and being land lying to the south east of sussex road southall middlesex as the same is registered at the land registry under title no. MX461717 seventhly all that freehold property situate at and being land lying to the north west of featherstone road, southall middx as the same is registered at the land registry under title no. NGL16983 eighthly all that freehold property situate at and known as 200 featherstone road southall middx as the same is registered at the land registry under title no. MX154656.
Contains fixed charge.

Additional transactions filed against this charge

Additional transactions filed against this charge (PDF links open in a new window)
Type(of transaction) Delivered(to Companies House on this date) View / Download(PDF file, link opens in new window)
Satisfaction of a charge (MR04) 11 January 2021 View PDF for Satisfaction of a charge (MR04) (1 page)