- Company Overview for MARK STONE CAR SALES LIMITED (01053447)
- Filing history for MARK STONE CAR SALES LIMITED (01053447)
- People for MARK STONE CAR SALES LIMITED (01053447)
- Insolvency for MARK STONE CAR SALES LIMITED (01053447)
- More for MARK STONE CAR SALES LIMITED (01053447)
Date (document was filed at Companies House) | Type | Description (of the document filed at Companies House) | View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) |
04 Feb 2009 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments to 21 January 2009 | |
08 Aug 2008 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments to 21 July 2008 | |
10 Mar 2008 | 4.40 | Notice of ceasing to act as a voluntary liquidator | |
03 Mar 2008 | LIQ MISC | Insolvency:s/s cert. Release of liquidator | |
20 Feb 2008 | 600 | Appointment of a voluntary liquidator | |
15 Feb 2008 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments | |
18 Aug 2007 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments | |
19 Feb 2007 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments | |
25 Jan 2007 | 287 | Registered office changed on 25/01/07 from: middleton partners, 65 st edmunds church street, salisbury, wiltshire SP1 1EF | |
03 Aug 2006 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments | |
09 Feb 2006 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments | |
31 Aug 2005 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments | |
18 Feb 2005 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments | |
01 Sep 2004 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments | |
24 Feb 2004 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments | |
29 Jan 2004 | 287 | Registered office changed on 29/01/04 from: smith williamson, 1 riding house, london, W1A 3AS | |
30 Jul 2003 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments | |
29 Apr 2003 | 287 | Registered office changed on 29/04/03 from: 1 saint swithins street, worcester, WR1 2PY | |
17 Feb 2003 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments | |
12 Sep 2002 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments | |
03 Apr 2002 | 600 | Appointment of a voluntary liquidator | |
06 Feb 2002 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments | |
10 Aug 2001 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments | |
30 Mar 2001 | 287 | Registered office changed on 30/03/01 from: william morris house, no 1 new market street, birmingham, B3 2NH | |
07 Feb 2001 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments |