- Company Overview for D.C.S. BUILDING SERVICES LIMITED (01116507)
- Filing history for D.C.S. BUILDING SERVICES LIMITED (01116507)
- People for D.C.S. BUILDING SERVICES LIMITED (01116507)
- Charges for D.C.S. BUILDING SERVICES LIMITED (01116507)
- Insolvency for D.C.S. BUILDING SERVICES LIMITED (01116507)
- More for D.C.S. BUILDING SERVICES LIMITED (01116507)
Date (document was filed at Companies House) | Type | Description (of the document filed at Companies House) | View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) |
05 Apr 2016 | GAZ2 | Final Gazette dissolved via compulsory strike-off | |
19 Jan 2016 | GAZ1 | First Gazette notice for compulsory strike-off | |
22 Nov 1996 | 405(2) | Receiver ceasing to act | |
22 Nov 1996 | 3.6 | Receiver's abstract of receipts and payments | |
27 Sep 1996 | 3.6 | Receiver's abstract of receipts and payments | |
27 Sep 1995 | 3.6 | Receiver's abstract of receipts and payments | |
05 Oct 1994 | 3.6 |
Receiver's abstract of receipts and payments
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentReceiver's abstract of receipts and payments |
14 Dec 1993 | 287 |
Registered office changed on 14/12/93 from: the kempson building grace road leicester, LE2 8AP
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentRegistered office changed on 14/12/93 from: the kempson building grace road leicester, LE2 8AP |
05 Oct 1993 | 3.6 |
Receiver's abstract of receipts and payments
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentReceiver's abstract of receipts and payments |
15 Apr 1993 | 3.3 |
Statement of Affairs in administrative receivership following report to creditors
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentStatement of Affairs in administrative receivership following report to creditors |
06 Oct 1992 | 3.6 |
Receiver's abstract of receipts and payments
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentReceiver's abstract of receipts and payments |
15 Jan 1992 | 3.10 |
Administrative Receiver's report
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAdministrative Receiver's report |
30 Sep 1991 | SPEC PEN |
Certificate of specific penalty
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentCertificate of specific penalty |
30 Sep 1991 | SPEC PEN |
Certificate of specific penalty
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentCertificate of specific penalty |
27 Sep 1991 | 287 |
Registered office changed on 27/09/91 from: the kempson building grace road leicester, LE2 8AD
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentRegistered office changed on 27/09/91 from: the kempson building grace road leicester, LE2 8AD |
26 Sep 1991 | 405(1) |
Appointment of receiver/manager
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAppointment of receiver/manager |
26 Sep 1991 | 405(1) |
Appointment of receiver/manager
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAppointment of receiver/manager |
16 Sep 1991 | 288 |
Secretary resigned;new secretary appointed
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentSecretary resigned;new secretary appointed |
17 Apr 1991 | AA |
Full accounts made up to 31 May 1990
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentFull accounts made up to 31 May 1990 |
01 Mar 1991 | 363a |
Return made up to 31/12/90; no change of members
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentReturn made up to 31/12/90; no change of members |
03 Jul 1990 | CERTNM |
Company name changed D. C. S. (leicester) LIMITED\certificate issued on 04/07/90
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentCompany name changed D. C. S. (leicester) LIMITED\certificate issued on 04/07/90 |
25 Apr 1990 | 287 |
Registered office changed on 25/04/90 from: 15-29 dartford road aylestone park leicester LE2 7PQ
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentRegistered office changed on 25/04/90 from: 15-29 dartford road aylestone park leicester LE2 7PQ |
05 Feb 1990 | AA |
Full group accounts made up to 31 May 1989
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentFull group accounts made up to 31 May 1989 |
05 Feb 1990 | 363 |
Return made up to 11/12/89; full list of members
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentReturn made up to 11/12/89; full list of members |
04 Dec 1989 | 395 |
Particulars of mortgage/charge
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentParticulars of mortgage/charge |