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Company number 01276016

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Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
29 Jun 2012 MG01 Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge no: 1887
19 Jun 2012 MG01 Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge no: 1886
16 Jun 2012 MG01 Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge no: 1880
16 Jun 2012 MG01 Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge no: 1881
16 Jun 2012 MG01 Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge no: 1882
16 Jun 2012 MG01 Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge no: 1883
16 Jun 2012 MG01 Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge no: 1884
16 Jun 2012 MG01 Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge no: 1885
02 Jun 2012 MG01 Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge no: 1877
02 Jun 2012 MG01 Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge no: 1878
02 Jun 2012 MG01 Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge no: 1879
31 May 2012 MG01 Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge no: 1875
31 May 2012 MG01 Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge no: 1876
25 May 2012 MG01 Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge no: 1874
24 May 2012 MG02 Declaration of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge /full /charge no 1503
24 May 2012 MG02 Declaration of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge /full /charge no 1504
24 May 2012 MG02 Declaration of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge /full /charge no 1506
24 May 2012 MG02 Declaration of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge /full /charge no 1510
24 May 2012 MG02 Declaration of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge /full /charge no 1511
24 May 2012 MG02 Declaration of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge /full /charge no 1512
24 May 2012 MG02 Declaration of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge /full /charge no 1515
24 May 2012 MG02 Declaration of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge /full /charge no 1516
24 May 2012 MG02 Declaration of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge /full /charge no 1518
24 May 2012 MG02 Declaration of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge /full /charge no 1520
24 May 2012 MG02 Declaration of satisfaction in full or in part of a mortgage or charge /full /charge no 1521