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Company number 01301617

2 Insolvency cases

Case number 2 — Creditors voluntary liquidation

Commencement of winding up
19 May 2008
Dissolved on
27 November 2010
Matthew Colin Bowker
Europarc Innovation Centre Innovation Way, Grimsby, South Humberside, DN37 9TT
Appointed on
19 May 2008
Ceased to act
15 December 2008
David Antony Willis
Jacksons Jolliffe Cork, Europarc Innovation Centre, Innovation Way, Grimsby, DN37 9TT
Appointed on
19 May 2008
Ceased to act
15 December 2008
Thomas Dixon
Europarc Innovation Centre Innovation Way, Grimsby, DN37 9TT
Appointed on
15 December 2008
Ceased to act
30 November 2009
Jonathan Paul Philmore
Europarc Innvation Centre Innovation Way, Grimsby, DN37 9TT
Appointed on
15 December 2008
Ceased to act
21 May 2010
William Duncan
Europarc Innovation Centre Innovation Way, Grimsby, South Humberside, DN37 9TT
Appointed on
30 November 2009
Sarah Louise Burge
Europarc Innovation Centre Innovation Way, Grimsby, DN37 9TT
Appointed on
21 May 2010

Case number 1 — Administrative receiver appointed

Instrument date
4 January 1980
Stuart George Falconer
27 Osborne Street, Grimsby, South Humberside, DN31 1NU
Appointed on
14 August 2000
Ceased to act
30 December 2002
Alec Pillmoor
27 Osborne Street, Grimsby, DN31 1NU
Appointed on
14 August 2000
Ceased to act
2 March 2009

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