Company number 01407523
- Company Overview for DOWNSIDE DEVELOPMENTS (BRIGHTON) LIMITED (01407523)
- Filing history for DOWNSIDE DEVELOPMENTS (BRIGHTON) LIMITED (01407523)
Date (document was filed at Companies House) | Type | Description (of the document filed at Companies House) | View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) |
05 Dec 2011 | MG04 | Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property /both /charge no 49 | |
05 Dec 2011 | MG04 | Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property /both /charge no 48 | |
05 Dec 2011 | MG04 | Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property /both /charge no 47 | |
05 Dec 2011 | MG04 | Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property /both /charge no 46 | |
05 Dec 2011 | MG04 | Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property /both /charge no 45 | |
05 Dec 2011 | MG04 | Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property /both /charge no 44 | |
05 Dec 2011 | MG04 | Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property /whole /charge no 43 | |
05 Dec 2011 | MG04 | Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property /both /charge no 41 | |
05 Dec 2011 | MG04 | Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property /both /charge no 40 | |
05 Dec 2011 | MG04 | Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property /both /charge no 39 | |
05 Dec 2011 | MG04 | Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property /both /charge no 34 | |
05 Dec 2011 | MG04 | Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property /both /charge no 31 | |
05 Dec 2011 | MG04 | Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property /both /charge no 28 | |
05 Dec 2011 | MG04 | Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property /both /charge no 27 | |
05 Dec 2011 | MG04 | Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property /both /charge no 26 | |
05 Dec 2011 | MG04 | Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property /both /charge no 24 | |
05 Dec 2011 | MG04 | Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property /both /charge no 23 | |
05 Dec 2011 | MG04 | Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property /both /charge no 22 | |
05 Dec 2011 | MG04 | Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property /both /charge no 21 | |
05 Dec 2011 | MG04 | Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property /both /charge no 20 | |
05 Dec 2011 | MG04 | Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property /both /charge no 19 | |
05 Dec 2011 | MG04 | Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property /both /charge no 18 | |
05 Dec 2011 | MG04 | Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property /both /charge no 11 | |
05 Dec 2011 | MG04 | Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property /both /charge no 10 | |
05 Dec 2011 | MG04 | Statement that part (or the whole) of the property charged (a) has been released from the charge; (b) no longer forms part of the company's property /both /charge no 7 |