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Company number 01957591

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Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
16 Jun 2014 MR05 All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 11
12 May 2014 MR05 All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 9
12 May 2014 MR05 All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 10
12 May 2014 MR05 All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 11
12 May 2014 MR05 All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 12
12 May 2014 MR05 All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 13
12 May 2014 MR05 All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 14
12 May 2014 MR05 All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 6
12 May 2014 MR05 All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 15
12 May 2014 MR05 All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 17
12 May 2014 MR05 All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 16
12 May 2014 MR05 All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 18
12 May 2014 MR05 All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 21
12 May 2014 MR05 All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 8
12 May 2014 MR05 All of the property or undertaking has been released from charge 19
12 May 2014 MR05 All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 20
12 May 2014 MR05 All of the property or undertaking has been released and no longer forms part of charge 22
12 May 2014 MR05 All of the property or undertaking has been released from charge 23
12 May 2014 MR05 All of the property or undertaking has been released from charge 25
12 May 2014 MR05 All of the property or undertaking has been released from charge 24
12 May 2014 MR05 All of the property or undertaking has been released from charge 26
21 Oct 2013 AR01 Annual return made up to 15 October 2013 with full list of shareholders
Statement of capital on 2013-10-21
  • GBP 50,000
21 Oct 2013 CH01 Director's details changed for Mr Gerald Kenneth Smedley on 15 October 2013
21 Oct 2013 CH03 Secretary's details changed for Mr Gerald Kenneth Smedley on 15 October 2013
25 Jul 2013 AA Group of companies' accounts made up to 31 January 2013