- Company Overview for MITCHELL HIRE LIMITED (02113886)
- Filing history for MITCHELL HIRE LIMITED (02113886)
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- Charges for MITCHELL HIRE LIMITED (02113886)
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Date (document was filed at Companies House) | Type | Description (of the document filed at Companies House) | View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) |
12 May 1991 | 288 |
New director appointed
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentNew director appointed |
21 Dec 1990 | AA | Full accounts made up to 31 December 1989 | |
21 Dec 1990 | 363 |
Return made up to 24/10/90; full list of members
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentReturn made up to 24/10/90; full list of members |
21 Jan 1990 | 288 |
Director resigned;new director appointed
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentDirector resigned;new director appointed |
09 Jan 1990 | AA | Full accounts made up to 31 December 1988 | |
09 Jan 1990 | 363 |
Return made up to 01/12/89; full list of members
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentReturn made up to 01/12/89; full list of members |
19 Dec 1989 | 287 |
Registered office changed on 19/12/89 from: station road etwall derby DE6 6HZ
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentRegistered office changed on 19/12/89 from: station road etwall derby DE6 6HZ |
04 Dec 1989 | 395 |
Particulars of mortgage/charge
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentParticulars of mortgage/charge |
04 Dec 1989 | 395 |
Particulars of mortgage/charge
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentParticulars of mortgage/charge |
11 Jan 1989 | AA | Full accounts made up to 31 December 1987 | |
11 Jan 1989 | 363 |
Return made up to 07/09/88; full list of members
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentReturn made up to 07/09/88; full list of members |
19 Jan 1988 | MEM/ARTS |
Memorandum and Articles of Association
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentMemorandum and Articles of Association |
19 Jan 1988 | RESOLUTIONS |
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentResolutions |
19 Jan 1988 | AUD |
Auditor's resignation
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAuditor's resignation |
19 Jan 1988 | 288 |
New director appointed
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentNew director appointed |
19 Jan 1988 | 287 |
Registered office changed on 19/01/88 from: 45A clumber street mansfield nottinghamshire NG18 1NX
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentRegistered office changed on 19/01/88 from: 45A clumber street mansfield nottinghamshire NG18 1NX |
19 Jan 1988 | 225(1) |
Accounting reference date shortened from 31/03 to 31/12
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentAccounting reference date shortened from 31/03 to 31/12 |
07 Jan 1988 | 395 |
Particulars of mortgage/charge
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentParticulars of mortgage/charge |
26 May 1987 | CERTNM |
Company name changed trinitab LIMITED\certificate issued on 27/05/87
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentCompany name changed trinitab LIMITED\certificate issued on 27/05/87 |
08 May 1987 | 287 |
Registered office changed on 08/05/87 from: 84 temple chambers temple avenue london EC4Y ohp
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentRegistered office changed on 08/05/87 from: 84 temple chambers temple avenue london EC4Y ohp |
08 May 1987 | 288 |
Secretary resigned;new secretary appointed;director resigned;new director appointed
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentSecretary resigned;new secretary appointed;director resigned;new director appointed |
23 Mar 1987 | CERTINC |
Certificate of Incorporation
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentCertificate of Incorporation |