- Company Overview for G P G LAMINATES LIMITED (02428749)
- Filing history for G P G LAMINATES LIMITED (02428749)
- People for G P G LAMINATES LIMITED (02428749)
- Charges for G P G LAMINATES LIMITED (02428749)
- Insolvency for G P G LAMINATES LIMITED (02428749)
- More for G P G LAMINATES LIMITED (02428749)
Date (document was filed at Companies House) | Type | Description (of the document filed at Companies House) | View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) |
06 Oct 2005 | 4.40 | Notice of ceasing to act as a voluntary liquidator | |
30 Sep 2005 | MISC | C/O;-replacement of liquidator | |
29 Sep 2005 | 600 | Appointment of a voluntary liquidator | |
28 Sep 2005 | 287 | Registered office changed on 28/09/05 from: carmella house 3 & 4 grove terrace walsall west midlands WS1 2NE | |
09 Sep 2005 | MISC | Sec/state release of liquidator | |
04 Aug 2005 | MISC | C/O:-replacement of liquidator | |
04 Aug 2005 | 4.40 | Notice of ceasing to act as a voluntary liquidator | |
26 Jul 2005 | 600 | Appointment of a voluntary liquidator | |
15 Jul 2005 | 287 | Registered office changed on 15/07/05 from: 30 derby street ormskirk merseyside L39 2BY | |
16 Jun 2005 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments | |
24 Mar 2005 | 287 | Registered office changed on 24/03/05 from: the thompson partnership the old halsall arms 2 summerwood lane halsall lancashire L39 8RJ | |
29 Nov 2004 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments | |
08 Jun 2004 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments | |
26 Nov 2003 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments | |
17 Jun 2003 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments | |
05 Dec 2002 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments | |
05 Dec 2002 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments | |
05 Dec 2002 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments | |
01 Jul 2002 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments | |
30 Nov 2001 | 4.68 | Liquidators' statement of receipts and payments | |
22 Nov 2000 | 600 | Appointment of a voluntary liquidator | |
22 Nov 2000 | RESOLUTIONS |
22 Nov 2000 | 4.20 | Statement of affairs | |
09 Nov 2000 | 287 | Registered office changed on 09/11/00 from: unit 7, luton street liverpool L5 9XR | |
04 Feb 2000 | AA | Accounts for a small company made up to 31 March 1999 |