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Company number 02739537

Charge code 0273 9537 0094

27 August 2020
27 August 2020
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Bank of China Limited, London Branch

Brief description

Insurances in respect of:. One (1) boeing 737-800NG aircraft with manufacturer's serial number 64439 including the CFM56-7B24E model cfm international S.A. engines with manufacturer's serial numbers 854305 and 854306;. one (1) boeing 737-800NG aircraft with manufacturer's serial number 63144 including the CFM56-7B24E model cfm international S.A. engines with manufacturer's serial numbers 864507 and 864509;. one (1) boeing 737-800NG aircraft with manufacturer's serial number 63163 including the CFM56-7B24E model cfm international S.A. engines with manufacturer's serial numbers 038943 and 038944;. one (1) boeing 737-800NG aircraft with manufacturer's serial number 63169 including the CFM56-7B24E model cfm international S.A. engines with manufacturer's serial numbers 854019 and 039979;. one (1) boeing 737-800NG aircraft with manufacturer's serial number 63568 including the CFM56-7B24E model cfm international S.A. engines with manufacturer's serial numbers 864639 and 864641;. one (1) boeing 737-800NG aircraft with manufacturer's serial number 64440 including the CFM56-7B24E model cfm international S.A. engines with manufacturer's serial numbers 854366 and 854369;.
Contains fixed charge.
Contains negative pledge.