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Company number 02847272

2 Insolvency cases

Case number 2 — Compulsory liquidation

Petition date
18 February 2000
Commencement of winding up
13 April 2000
Conclusion of winding up
21 November 2000
Dissolved on
21 November 2005
The Official Receiver Or Hull
Suite J, Anchor House, The Maltings, Silvester Street, Hull, HU1 3HA

Case number 1 — Administrative receiver appointed

Instrument date
25 February 1999
Angus Matthew Martin
Deloitte & Touche, 10-12 East Parade, Leeds, LS1 2AJ
Appointed on
15 December 1999
Ceased to act
7 June 2010
Ian Brown
10-12 East Parade, Leeds, LS1 2AJ
Appointed on
15 December 1999
Ceased to act
7 June 2010

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