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Company number 03139110

Legal charge by the company and peter john mills maton as mortgagor and by the company as principal debtor

20 September 1999
24 September 1999
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (395)
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Persons entitled

  • Barclays Bank PLC

Amount secured

All monies now due or hereafter to become due or from time to time accruing due from the company and/or peter john mills maton to the chargee upon any account and in any manner whatsoever. But it is expressly stipulated that the charge created shall so far only as regards the liabilities of the principal debtor (and not so as to affect the personal liability of the principal debtor in respect of such liabilities) be limited to the sum of £83,000.00 and in addition interest and all costs charges and expenses as aforesaid.

Short particulars

Land at 112 high street, tetsworth, oxfordshire title number ON41717.