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Company number 03228216

Charge code 0322 8216 0008

3 May 2024
10 May 2024
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Macquarie Bank Limited (London Branch)

Brief description

The company charges by way of first legal mortgage the mortgaged property (as defined in the instrument), including (1) the leasehold property known as evelyn house, 3 elstree way, borehamwood WD6 1RN and adjacent substation with registered title number HD570731 (the landlord's freehold interest which is registered at the land registry under title number HD984); (2) the leasehold property known as carlton works, ossington road, carlton on trent, newark NG23 6NT with registered title number NT580348 (the landlord's freehold interest which is registered at the land registry under title number NT404505) and (3) the leasehold property known as land on the north side of benwick road, whittlesey, peterborough with registered title number CB459284 (the landlord's freehold interest which is registered at the land registry under title numbers CB168784, CB398357 and CB351066). For further information, please see clause 3.2 and schedule 2 of the instrument.
Contains fixed charge.
Contains floating charge.
Contains negative pledge.