- Company Overview for SENATE INTERNATIONAL (LONDON) LIMITED (03257452)
- Filing history for SENATE INTERNATIONAL (LONDON) LIMITED (03257452)
Date (document was filed at Companies House) | Type | Description (of the document filed at Companies House) | View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) |
01 Mar 2007 | 2.15 | Administrator's abstract of receipts and payments | |
13 Sep 2006 | 2.15 | Administrator's abstract of receipts and payments | |
16 Mar 2006 | 2.15 | Administrator's abstract of receipts and payments | |
18 Oct 2005 | 287 | Registered office changed on 18/10/05 from: c/o griffins russell square house 10-12 russell square london WC1B 5EH | |
09 Sep 2005 | 2.15 | Administrator's abstract of receipts and payments | |
21 Mar 2005 | 2.15 | Administrator's abstract of receipts and payments | |
07 Oct 2004 | 2.15 | Administrator's abstract of receipts and payments | |
02 Mar 2004 | 2.15 | Administrator's abstract of receipts and payments | |
02 Mar 2004 | 2.15 | Administrator's abstract of receipts and payments | |
02 Mar 2004 | 2.15 | Administrator's abstract of receipts and payments | |
02 Mar 2004 | 2.15 | Administrator's abstract of receipts and payments | |
09 May 2003 | MISC | O/C replacement of administrator | |
13 Apr 2003 | 287 | Registered office changed on 13/04/03 from: 3 dyers building holborn london EC1N 2JT | |
16 Sep 2002 | 2.15 | Administrator's abstract of receipts and payments | |
26 Apr 2002 | 2.15 | Administrator's abstract of receipts and payments | |
26 Apr 2002 | 2.15 | Administrator's abstract of receipts and payments | |
26 Apr 2002 | MISC | O/C replacment of administrator | |
25 Jun 2001 | 2.15 | Administrator's abstract of receipts and payments | |
25 Jun 2001 | 2.15 | Administrator's abstract of receipts and payments | |
25 Jun 2001 | 2.15 | Administrator's abstract of receipts and payments | |
15 Nov 1999 | 2.15 | Administrator's abstract of receipts and payments | |
08 Oct 1999 | 2.15 | Administrator's abstract of receipts and payments | |
05 Oct 1999 | MISC | O/C replacement of liquidator | |
05 Oct 1999 | MISC | 2.7 replacement of liquidator | |
04 Feb 1999 | 287 | Registered office changed on 04/02/99 from: 8 kings parade cambridge CB2 1SJ |