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Company number 03299793

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Company Results (links open in a new window)
Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
20 May 1997 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • SRES11 ‐ Special resolution of removal of pre-emption rights
20 May 1997 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • ORES10 ‐ Ordinary resolution of allotment of securities
20 May 1997 288a New director appointed
20 May 1997 288a New director appointed
20 May 1997 288a New director appointed
20 May 1997 288a New director appointed
20 May 1997 288a New director appointed
20 May 1997 288a New director appointed
20 May 1997 288a New director appointed
16 May 1997 122 S-div 12/05/97
16 May 1997 288a New director appointed
16 May 1997 288a New director appointed
16 May 1997 288a New director appointed
16 May 1997 288b Director resigned
16 May 1997 288b Director resigned
15 May 1997 88(2)P Ad 08/05/97--------- £ si 676679980@.15=101501997 £ ic 3/101502000
12 May 1997 CERT5 Certificate of re-registration from Private to Public Limited Company
12 May 1997 MAR Re-registration of Memorandum and Articles
12 May 1997 BS Balance Sheet
12 May 1997 AUDR Auditor's report
12 May 1997 AUDS Auditor's statement
12 May 1997 43(3)e Declaration on reregistration from private to PLC
12 May 1997 43(3) Application for reregistration from private to PLC
12 May 1997 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • SRES02 ‐ Special resolution of re-registration
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12 May 1997 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • SRES01 ‐ Special resolution of alteration of Memorandum of Association