Company number 03303798
- Company Overview for PARAGON PERSONAL FINANCE (1) LIMITED (03303798)
- Filing history for PARAGON PERSONAL FINANCE (1) LIMITED (03303798)
- People for PARAGON PERSONAL FINANCE (1) LIMITED (03303798)
- Charges for PARAGON PERSONAL FINANCE (1) LIMITED (03303798)
Date (document was filed at Companies House) | Type | Description (of the document filed at Companies House) | View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) |
13 Jan 2005 | 363s |
Return made up to 13/01/05; full list of members
05 Jan 2005 | 403b | Declaration of mortgage charge released/ceased | |
05 Nov 2004 | 403b | Declaration of mortgage charge released/ceased | |
05 Nov 2004 | 403b | Declaration of mortgage charge released/ceased | |
27 Aug 2004 | 403b | Declaration of mortgage charge released/ceased | |
27 Aug 2004 | 403b | Declaration of mortgage charge released/ceased | |
25 Jun 2004 | 403b | Declaration of mortgage charge released/ceased | |
25 Jun 2004 | 403b | Declaration of mortgage charge released/ceased | |
10 Jun 2004 | 403b | Declaration of mortgage charge released/ceased | |
10 Jun 2004 | 403b | Declaration of mortgage charge released/ceased | |
10 Jun 2004 | 403b | Declaration of mortgage charge released/ceased | |
10 Jun 2004 | 403b | Declaration of mortgage charge released/ceased | |
10 Jun 2004 | 403b | Declaration of mortgage charge released/ceased | |
27 May 2004 | MEM/ARTS | Memorandum and Articles of Association | |
21 May 2004 | MEM/ARTS | Memorandum and Articles of Association | |
06 Apr 2004 | AA | Full accounts made up to 30 September 2003 | |
22 Jan 2004 | 363s | Return made up to 13/01/04; full list of members | |
12 Nov 2003 | 403b | Declaration of mortgage charge released/ceased | |
12 Nov 2003 | 403b | Declaration of mortgage charge released/ceased | |
12 Nov 2003 | 403b | Declaration of mortgage charge released/ceased | |
12 Nov 2003 | 403b | Declaration of mortgage charge released/ceased | |
08 Oct 2003 | 403b | Declaration of mortgage charge released/ceased | |
22 Aug 2003 | 403b | Declaration of mortgage charge released/ceased | |
30 Jul 2003 | 403b | Declaration of mortgage charge released/ceased | |
30 Jul 2003 | 403b | Declaration of mortgage charge released/ceased |