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Company number 03480134

3 Insolvency cases

Case number 3 — Compulsory liquidation

Petition date
2 July 2015
Commencement of winding up
17 August 2015
Conclusion of winding up
8 January 2018
Dissolved on
15 November 2019
The Official Receiver Or Leeds
3rd Floor, 1 City Walk, Leeds, LS11 9DA

Case number 2 — Receiver/Manager appointed

Simon Weir
Wesley House Chapel Lane, Birstall, Batley, West Yorkshire, WF17 9EJ
Appointed on
27 January 2012
Peter O'Hara
Wesley House, Chapel Lane, Huddersfield Road, Birstall Batley, WF17 9EJ
Appointed on
27 January 2012

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Case number 1 — Receiver/Manager appointed

Simon Weir
Wesley House Chapel Lane, Birstall, Batley, West Yorkshire, WF17 9EJ
Appointed on
27 January 2012
Peter O'Hara
Wesley House, Chapel Lane, Huddersfield Road, Birstall Batley, WF17 9EJ
Appointed on
27 January 2012

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