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Company number 03699012

Charge code 0369 9012 0009

22 February 2019
1 March 2019
Satisfied on 31 July 2019
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Glas Trust Corporation Limited

Brief description

Material property:. Freehold: vine cottage, harlington road, uxbridge,. Middlesex UB8 3HD, title number: NGL544631.. Freehold: land and buildings on the east side of church, title number: NGL560085. Leasehold: hillingdon manor school, moorcroft. Complex, harlington road, hillingdon UB8. 3HD, title number: AGL74291. Road, hayes, middlesex UB3 2UH.
Contains fixed charge.
Contains floating charge.
Floating charge covers all the property or undertaking of the company.
Contains negative pledge.

Additional transactions filed against this charge

Additional transactions filed against this charge (PDF links open in a new window)
Type(of transaction) Delivered(to Companies House on this date) View / Download(PDF file, link opens in new window)
Satisfaction of a charge (MR04) 31 July 2019 View PDF for Satisfaction of a charge (MR04) (1 page)