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Company number 03794455

Charge code 0379 4455 0014

20 December 2018
2 January 2019
Satisfied on 19 May 2021
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A.

Brief description

Legal mortgage over the following real property (each owned by dennis eagle limited): 1. title number LA852816, 2. title number NT382088, 3. title number NT376892, 4. title number NT350244. Fixed charge over patent with serial number GB2544407. Dennis eagle limited assigns specified insurance policies. Fixed charge over the shares held by dennis eagle limited in (1) dennis eagle group LTD, 2. brilance ros roca sanitary automotive equipment co. LTD., 3. dennis eagle inc., 4. refuse services LTD., 5.Twp (newco) 150 LTD, 6. twp(newco) 151 LTD. Fixed charge over specified accounts.
Contains fixed charge.
Contains floating charge.
Floating charge covers all the property or undertaking of the company.
Contains negative pledge.

Additional transactions filed against this charge

Additional transactions filed against this charge (PDF links open in a new window)
Type(of transaction) Delivered(to Companies House on this date) View / Download(PDF file, link opens in new window)
Satisfaction of a charge (MR04) 19 May 2021 View PDF for Satisfaction of a charge (MR04) (1 page)