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Company number 03828789

1 Insolvency case

Case number 1 — Creditors voluntary liquidation

Commencement of winding up
25 May 2004
Dissolved on
17 August 2013
Stephen John Tancock
Smith & Williamson Ltd, The Meeting House, Little Mount Sion, Tunbridge Wells Kent, TN1 1YS
Appointed on
26 May 2005
Ceased to act
7 August 2006
Mark Newman
The Meeting House, Little Mount Sion, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 1YS
Appointed on
25 May 2004
Ceased to act
26 May 2005
Anthony Cliff Spicer
Smith & Williamson Limited, No. 1 Riding House Street, London, W1A 3AS
Appointed on
26 May 2005
Stephen John Tancock
Smith & Williamson Limited, 1st Floor, 89 King St, Maidstone Kent,, ME14 1BG
Appointed on
12 December 2006
Ceased to act
20 July 2011