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Company number 03848332

Charge code 0384 8332 0171

3 August 2023
7 August 2023
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • The Society Incorporated by Lloyd's Act 1871 by the Name of Lloyd's
  • All the Persons to Whom the Nameco is or May at Any Time Before the Relevant Termination Date Become Financially Liable by Reason of Any Default in Respect of Any of the Nameco’S Lloyd’S Obligations
  • Subject Always to the Terms of Any Trust Deed and of Any Premiums Trust Deed), Those to Whom Any Losses, Claims, Expenses and Other “Permitted Trust Outgoings” Set Out in Paragraph 1 of Schedule 3 to the Premiums Trust Deed are or Become Payable
  • Those to Whom the Nameco is Obliged to Provide or Keep Fully Funded Any and Every Overseas Business Regulatory Deposit

There are more than four persons entitled to the charge. Please see the deed to view their names.

Brief description

Contains floating charge.
Contains negative pledge.
Chargor acting as a bare trustee for the property.