- Company Overview for STROUD COMMUNITY LAND TRUST (04123342)
- Filing history for STROUD COMMUNITY LAND TRUST (04123342)
- People for STROUD COMMUNITY LAND TRUST (04123342)
Date (document was filed at Companies House) | Type | Description (of the document filed at Companies House) | View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) |
24 May 2006 | 363a | Annual return made up to 12/12/05 | |
24 May 2006 | 288a | New secretary appointed | |
24 May 2006 | 363a | Annual return made up to 12/12/04 | |
24 May 2006 | 288a | New secretary appointed | |
24 May 2006 | 288b | Secretary resigned | |
24 May 2006 | 288a | New director appointed | |
24 May 2006 | 363a | Annual return made up to 12/12/03 | |
24 May 2006 | 288b | Director resigned | |
24 May 2006 | 288a | New director appointed | |
24 May 2006 | 288b | Secretary resigned | |
24 May 2006 | 288a | New director appointed | |
24 May 2006 | AA | Total exemption full accounts made up to 31 December 2003 | |
24 May 2006 | 288b | Director resigned | |
24 May 2006 | AA | Total exemption full accounts made up to 31 December 2002 | |
24 May 2006 | 288a | New director appointed | |
24 May 2006 | 287 | Registered office changed on 24/05/06 from: 4 upper leazes stroud gloucestershire GL5 1LA | |
23 May 2006 | AC92 | Restoration by order of the court | |
14 Sep 2004 | GAZ2 | Final Gazette dissolved via compulsory strike-off | |
01 Jun 2004 | GAZ1 | First Gazette notice for compulsory strike-off | |
08 Mar 2003 | 363s |
Annual return made up to 12/12/02
15 Aug 2002 | AA | Total exemption small company accounts made up to 31 December 2001 | |
14 Jan 2002 | 363s |
Annual return made up to 12/12/01
24 May 2001 | MEM/ARTS | Memorandum and Articles of Association | |
24 May 2001 | RESOLUTIONS |
12 Dec 2000 | NEWINC | Incorporation |