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Company number 04179569

Charge code 0417 9569 0017

30 January 2018
31 January 2018
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Mint Bridging Limited

Brief description

All that freehold land property and buildings at and known as 21 tenby avenue, manchester, M20 3DU, as title to the same is registered at the land registry under title number GM101062; and. All that freehold land property and buildings at and known as 7 newton avenue, withington, manchester, M20 1JJ as title to the same is registered at the land registry under title number LA83863; and. All that freehold land property and buildings at and known as 20 nuneham avenue, withington, manchester, M20 4PZ as title to the same is registered at the land registry under title number LA67696.
Contains fixed charge.
Contains negative pledge.