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Company number 04221626

Deed of charge between the company,citicorp trustee company limited (the "security trustee"),lloyds tsb bank PLC,citibank,N.A.,kredietbank S.A.luxembourgeoise,telereal services limited,barclays bank PLC,spv management limited and ambac assurance UK limited (the "issuer deed of charge")

12 December 2001
27 December 2001
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (395)
    Image unavailable

Persons entitled

  • Citicorp Trustee Company Limited

Amount secured

The aggregate of all moneys and other liabilities due or owing by the company (the "issuer") to the borrower security trustee,the issuer security trustee,any receiver,the note trustee,the noteholders,the couponholders (if any),all terms as defined,under or pursuant to the issuer deed of charge,the notes,the coupons,the note trust deed and the agency agreement (all terms as defined);to the liquidity provider under the liquidity facility agreement,the stamp duty facility agreement,liquidity facility fee letter,the stamp duty facility fee letter and the issuer deed of charge (all terms as defined) and under various other agreements (as defined)

Short particulars

First fixed security over all right,title,benefit and interest under various agreements (as defined). See the mortgage charge document for full details.