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Company number 04266104

Charge code 0426 6104 0004

13 November 2021
17 November 2021
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • James Tuthill

Brief description

All of the company's freehold and leasehold property, plant and machinery, book and other debts and any other sums payable to the company, the benefit of all contracts, deeds and agreements, all intellectual property rights, goodwill and uncalled capital and undertaking, in each case both owned by the company now or in the future, including the intellectual property as detailed in schedule 1, part 5 and the shares detailed in schedule 1, part 3. for further details please refer to the instrument.
Contains fixed charge.
Contains floating charge.
Floating charge covers all the property or undertaking of the company.
Contains negative pledge.