- Company Overview for TIMES SECURITY SERVICES LIMITED (04273977)
- Filing history for TIMES SECURITY SERVICES LIMITED (04273977)
Date (document was filed at Companies House) | Type | Description (of the document filed at Companies House) | View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) |
07 Sep 2010 | GAZ2 | Final Gazette dissolved via compulsory strike-off | |
25 May 2010 | GAZ1 | First Gazette notice for compulsory strike-off | |
17 Aug 2009 | 363a | Return made up to 22/01/09; full list of members | |
27 Jan 2009 | 288c | Director and Secretary's Change of Particulars / eling magarro / 12/12/2008 / | |
23 Jan 2009 | DISS40 | Compulsory strike-off action has been discontinued | |
22 Jan 2009 | 363a | Return made up to 22/01/08; no change of members | |
22 Jan 2009 | 288b | Appointment Terminate, Director And Secretary Sammuel Wainaina Logged Form | |
21 Jan 2009 | 288c | Director and Secretary's Change of Particulars / eling magarro / 12/12/2008 / HouseName/Number was: , now: 522; Street was: flat 2 eldon court, now: aspley lane; Area was: grangetown, now: ; Post Town was: cardiff, now: nottingham; Region was: south glamorgan, now: nottinghamshire; Post Code was: CF11 6HA, now: NG8 5RZ | |
23 Dec 2008 | GAZ1 | First Gazette notice for compulsory strike-off | |
18 Dec 2008 | 287 | Registered office changed on 18/12/2008 from office 2 eldon court ninian park road cardiff CF11 6HA | |
28 Jun 2007 | AA | Accounts made up to 31 August 2006 | |
15 May 2007 | 363s | Return made up to 22/01/07; full list of members | |
15 May 2007 | 363(353) |
Location of register of members address changed
20 Feb 2006 | 363s | Return made up to 22/01/06; full list of members | |
23 Sep 2005 | AA | Accounts made up to 31 August 2005 | |
16 Aug 2005 | 287 | Registered office changed on 16/08/05 from: office 2 eldon court ninian park road cardiff CF11 6HA | |
30 Jul 2005 | 287 | Registered office changed on 30/07/05 from: sophia house 28 cathedral road cardiff CF11 9JL | |
22 Feb 2005 | 363s | Return made up to 22/01/05; full list of members | |
22 Feb 2005 | 363(288) |
Secretary's particulars changed;director's particulars changed
11 Nov 2004 | 288a | New secretary appointed | |
30 Jun 2004 | AA | Accounts made up to 31 August 2003 | |
25 May 2004 | 363s | Return made up to 22/01/03; full list of members | |
24 May 2004 | 288a | New director appointed | |
20 Apr 2004 | 288a | New director appointed | |
20 Apr 2004 | 287 | Registered office changed on 20/04/04 from: 29 the parade roath cardiff CF24 3AB |