- Company Overview for SPECTA ENTERPRISES LIMITED (04356712)
- Filing history for SPECTA ENTERPRISES LIMITED (04356712)
- People for SPECTA ENTERPRISES LIMITED (04356712)
Persons with significant control: 1 active person with significant control / 0 active statements
Jacques Gabriel Rene Maillard Active
- Correspondence address
- Birchin Court, 20 Birchin Lane, London, England, EC3V 9DJ
- Notified on
- 1 January 2017
- Date of birth
- May 1947
- Nationality
- French
- Country of residence
- Spain
- Nature of control
- Right to appoint or remove directors
Statement Withdrawn
- The company has identified a registrable person in relation to the company but all the required particulars of that person have not been confirmed
- Notified on
- 21 January 2017
- Withdrawn on
- 19 April 2020