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Company number 04401182

4 Insolvency cases

Case number 4 — Compulsory liquidation

Petition date
16 March 2011
Commencement of winding up
16 May 2011
Conclusion of winding up
9 October 2014
Dissolved on
23 January 2015
The Official Receiver Or London
21 Bloomsbury Street, London, WC1B 3SS
The Official Receiver Or Plymouth
1st Floor, Cobourg House, Mayflower Street, Plymouth, PL1 1DJ
Steven Williams
Derby House 12 Winckley Square, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 3JJ

Case number 3 — Receiver/Manager appointed

Mark Peter George Roach
Bdo Stoy Hayward Llp, Fourth Floor, One Victoria Street, Bristol, BS1 6AA
Appointed on
25 October 2007
Ceased to act
8 October 2008
Graham David Randall
Bdo Stoy Hayward Llp, Fourth Floor, One Victoria Street, Bristol, BS1 6AA
Appointed on
25 October 2007
Ceased to act
8 October 2008
Ashleigh Phillips
26 Lockyer Street, Plymouth, Devon, PL1 2QW
Appointed on
8 October 2008
Nicholas John Holman
26 Lockyer Street, Plymouth, Devon, PL1 2QW
Appointed on
8 October 2008

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Case number 2 — Receiver/Manager appointed

Instrument date
29 September 2006
Nigel Morrison
Grant Thornton Uk Llp, 43 Queens Square, Bristol, BS1 4QR
Appointed on
19 February 2008
Ceased to act
13 March 2012
Trevor Patrick O'Sullivan
Grant Thornton Uk Llp, 43 Queen Square, Bristol, BS1 4QR
Appointed on
19 February 2008
Ceased to act
13 March 2012

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Case number 1 — Receiver/Manager appointed

Instrument date
29 September 2006
Nigel Morrison
Grant Thornton Uk Llp, 43 Queens Square, Bristol, BS1 4QR
Appointed on
19 February 2008
Ceased to act
13 March 2012
Trevor Patrick O'Sullivan
Grant Thornton Uk Llp, 43 Queen Square, Bristol, BS1 4QR
Appointed on
19 February 2008
Ceased to act
13 March 2012

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