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Company number 04548866

4 Insolvency cases

Case number 4 — Creditors voluntary liquidation

Commencement of winding up
23 September 2015
Dissolved on
23 February 2020
Daniel Plant
9 Ensign House, Admirals Way, Marsh Wall, London, E14 9XQ
Appointed on
23 September 2015
Simon Franklin Plant
9 Ensign House Admirals Way, Marsh Wall, Docklands, London, E14 9XQ
Appointed on
23 September 2015
Proposed Practitioner
Simon Franklin Plant
9 Ensign House Admirals Way, Marsh Wall, Docklands, London, E14 9XQ
Appointed on
23 September 2015
Proposed Practitioner
Daniel Plant
Sfp, 9 Ensign House, Admirals Way, Marsh Wall, Docklands London, E14 9XQ
Appointed on
23 September 2015

Case number 3 — In administration

Administration started
13 March 2015
Administration ended
23 September 2015
Daniel Plant
9 Ensign House, Admirals Way, Marsh Wall, London, E14 9XQ
Ceased to act
23 September 2015
Simon Franklin Plant
9 Ensign House Admirals Way, Marsh Wall, Docklands, London, E14 9XQ
Ceased to act
23 September 2015

Case number 2 — Receiver/Manager appointed

Michael David Rollings
Rollings Butt Llp 6 Snow Hill, London, EC1A 2AY
Appointed on
16 January 2015
Ceased to act
13 March 2015

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Case number 1 — Corporate voluntary arrangement (CVA)

Date of meeting to approve CVA
5 April 2011
Date of completion or termination of CVA
26 March 2014
Mark Reynolds
Valentine & Co, 4 Dancastle Court, 14 Arcadia Avenue, London, N3 2HS