- Company Overview for LAB49 UK LIMITED (05783010)
- Filing history for LAB49 UK LIMITED (05783010)
- People for LAB49 UK LIMITED (05783010)
- Charges for LAB49 UK LIMITED (05783010)
- More for LAB49 UK LIMITED (05783010)
Persons with significant control: 2 active persons with significant control / 0 active statements
Andrea Pignataro Active
- Correspondence address
- C/O Ion, 10 Queen Street Place, London, England, EC4R 1BE
- Notified on
- 31 December 2022
- Date of birth
- June 1970
- Nationality
- Italian
- Country of residence
- Switzerland
- Nature of control
- Has significant influence or control
- Has significant influence or control as a member of a firm
Lab49 Consulting Limited Active
- Correspondence address
- 4th Floor, Minerva House, Simmonscourt Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin, Ireland
- Notified on
- 16 April 2016
- Governing law
- Legal form
- Private Limited Company
- Place registered
- Cro
- Registration number
- 464208
- Incorporated in
- Ireland
- Nature of control
- Ownership of voting rights - 75% or more
Ion Investment Group Limited Ceased
- Correspondence address
- Minerva House, 4th Floor, Simmonscourt Road, Dublin, Ireland
- Notified on
- 30 June 2016
- Ceased on
- 31 December 2022
- Governing law
- Legal form
- Limited Liability Company
- Place registered
- Cro
- Registration number
- 496108
- Incorporated in
- Ireland
- Nature of control