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Company number 06120824

Charge code 0612 0824 0004

6 May 2022
11 May 2022
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Allied Irish Banks PLC

Brief description

The company as beneficial owner hereby charges the deposit and all its rights and title and interest in the deposit to the bank by way of first fixed charge for the payment and discharge in full of the secured liabilities.. ‘Deposit’ means all monies for the time being and from time to time standing to the credit of and the benefit of the debt represented by the rent account, whether in addition to or by way of renewal of or replacement for any sums previously credited or otherwise and any accretions thereto and all rights to repayment thereof.. ‘Secured liabilities’ means all and any moneys obligations and liabilities now or in the future owing or incurred to the bank by the company under the terms of the loan agreement and all interest commission fees and legal and other costs charges and expenses which the bank may pursuant to the terms of the loan agreement or this deed charge the company or incur in relation to the company or this security on a full indemnity basis.
Contains negative pledge.