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Company number 06502858

Charge code 0650 2858 0030

12 December 2024
17 December 2024
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Together Commercial Finance Limited

Brief description

Land adjoining unit 45, salterns holiday bungalows, pond lane, seaview registered at the land registry with title number IW78157.. Salterns, pond lane, seaview registered at the land registry with title number IW81295.. Unit 46, salterns village bungalows, pond lane, seaview registered at the land registry with title number IW78158.. Units 17-40 (inclusive) and unit 48, salterns bungalows, pond lane, seaview registered at the land registry with title number IW80574.. Units 1 - 4, salterns holiday bungalows, pond lane, seaview registered at the land registry. With title number IW78987.. Units 12A, 14, 41-44, and 47, salterns bungalows, pond lane, seaview registered at the. Land registry with title number IW81559 but excluding the unit known as 30 seaview. Holiday village (also known as SA43 heather cottage, which has been transferred out of. The title and therefore no longer forms part of the aforementioned title).. Units 5-12 and 15 and 16, salterns family holiday bungalows, pond lane, seaview. Registered at the land registry with title number IW77712 but excluding the units known. As 5 seaview (also known as redshank 5, which has been transferred out of the title and. Therefore no longer forms part of the aforementioned title) and 7 seaview holiday village. (Also known as redshank 3, which has been transferred out of the title and therefore no. Longer forms part of the aforementioned title) and 6 seaview holiday village (also known. As redshank 4, which has been transferred out of the title and therefore no longer forms. Part of the aforementioned title).. Salterns holiday bungalows, seaview registered at the land registry with title number. IW68340 but excluding 26 seaview holiday village (also known as house 2 curlew. Cottage, which has been transferred out of the title and therefore no longer forms part of the. Aforementioned title); 30 seaview holiday village (also known as SA43 heather cottage,. Which has been transferred out of the title and therefore no longer forms part of the. Aforementioned title); 28 seaview holiday village (also known as SA41 berry cottage, which. Has been transferred out of the title and therefore no longer forms part of the aforementioned. Title); 24 seaview holiday village (also known as house 4 curlew, which has been. Transferred out of the title and therefore no longer forms part of the aforementioned title); 25. seaview holiday village (also known as house 3 skylark, which has been transferred out of. The title and therefore no longer forms part of the aforementioned title); 19 seaview holiday. Village (also known as house 9 grey heron, which has been transferred out of the title and. Therefore no longer forms part of the aforementioned title); 40 seaview (also known as SA51. Jackdaw cottage, which has been transferred out of the title and therefore no longer forms. Part of the aforementioned title) and 31 seaview holiday village (also known as SA44. Blossom cottage, which has been transferred out of the title and therefore no longer forms. Part of the aforementioned title); 38 seaview holiday village (also known as SA49 swift. Cottage, which has been transferred out of the title and therefore no longer forms part of. The aforementioned title); and 6 seaview holiday village (also known as redshank 4,. which has been transferred out of the title and therefore no longer forms part of the. Aforementioned title).
Contains fixed charge.
Contains negative pledge.