- Company Overview for WARTON CARNIVAL (06563646)
- Filing history for WARTON CARNIVAL (06563646)
- People for WARTON CARNIVAL (06563646)
- More for WARTON CARNIVAL (06563646)
Date (document was filed at Companies House) | Type | Description (of the document filed at Companies House) | View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) |
27 Feb 2014 | AA | Total exemption small company accounts made up to 31 October 2013 | |
10 May 2013 | AR01 | Annual return made up to 12 April 2013 no member list | |
26 Mar 2013 | TM01 | Termination of appointment of Karen Pallett as a director | |
13 Mar 2013 | AA | Total exemption small company accounts made up to 31 October 2012 | |
03 May 2012 | AR01 | Annual return made up to 12 April 2012 no member list | |
22 Mar 2012 | AP01 | Appointment of Mr Christopher David Ball as a director | |
20 Mar 2012 | AA | Total exemption small company accounts made up to 31 October 2011 | |
16 Mar 2012 | TM01 | Termination of appointment of Margaret Brown as a director | |
21 Feb 2012 | TM01 | Termination of appointment of Glynis Roe as a director | |
13 May 2011 | AR01 | Annual return made up to 12 April 2011 no member list | |
25 Mar 2011 | AA | Total exemption small company accounts made up to 31 October 2010 | |
23 Mar 2011 | CH01 | Director's details changed for Michelle Bernadette Kiteley on 8 October 2010 | |
25 May 2010 | AR01 | Annual return made up to 12 April 2010 no member list | |
25 May 2010 | CH01 | Director's details changed for Ian Robert Reed on 12 April 2010 | |
25 May 2010 | CH01 | Director's details changed for Glynis Dawn Roe on 12 April 2010 | |
25 May 2010 | CH01 | Director's details changed for Terry Shaw on 12 April 2010 | |
25 May 2010 | CH01 | Director's details changed for Karen Pallett on 12 April 2010 | |
25 May 2010 | CH01 | Director's details changed for Jane Anne Wood on 12 April 2010 | |
25 May 2010 | CH01 | Director's details changed for Lynda Humpries on 12 April 2010 | |
25 May 2010 | CH01 | Director's details changed for Mr Alfred James Webber on 12 April 2010 | |
25 May 2010 | CH01 | Director's details changed for Robert Edwin Rowell on 12 April 2010 | |
25 May 2010 | CH01 | Director's details changed for Julie Anne Conway on 12 April 2010 | |
25 May 2010 | CH01 | Director's details changed for Michelle Bernadette Kiteley on 12 April 2010 | |
25 May 2010 | CH01 | Director's details changed for Robert Calway on 12 April 2010 | |
25 May 2010 | CH01 | Director's details changed for Fiona Kathleen Briers on 12 April 2010 |