- Company Overview for BURY END ENTERPRISES LIMITED (06583981)
- Filing history for BURY END ENTERPRISES LIMITED (06583981)
- People for BURY END ENTERPRISES LIMITED (06583981)
- Charges for BURY END ENTERPRISES LIMITED (06583981)
Persons with significant control: 1 person with significant control / 0 statements
Mr Mason Louis Coley-Rey
- Correspondence address
- Silbury Court, 420 Silbury Boulevard, Central Milton Keynes, England, MK9 2AF
- Notified on
- 1 September 2020
- Date of birth
- January 1994
- Nationality
- British
- Country of residence
- United Kingdom
- Nature of control
- Ownership of voting rights - 75% or more
- Right to appoint or remove directors
Energie Direct Operations Limited Ceased
- Correspondence address
- Challenge House, Sherwood Drive, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, England, MK3 6DP
- Notified on
- 22 December 2017
- Ceased on
- 1 September 2020
- Governing law
- Legal form
- Private Limited Company
- Place registered
- Companies House
- Registration number
- 10327651
- Incorporated in
- England
- Nature of control
- Ownership of voting rights - 75% or more
- Right to appoint or remove directors
Mr Simon Hayes Ceased
- Correspondence address
- Challenge House, Sherwood Drive, Bletchley, England, MK3 6BP
- Notified on
- 14 December 2017
- Ceased on
- 22 December 2017
- Date of birth
- January 1972
- Nationality
- British
- Country of residence
- United Kingdom
- Nature of control
- Has significant influence or control
Mr David Kenneth Waugh Ceased
- Correspondence address
- 26-28 London Road, Forest Hill, London, England, SE23 3HF
- Notified on
- 31 July 2017
- Ceased on
- 14 December 2017
- Date of birth
- March 1960
- Nationality
- British
- Country of residence
- United Kingdom
- Nature of control
- Ownership of voting rights - 75% or more
- Right to appoint or remove directors
Mr Ashley Curtis Alexander Ceased
- Correspondence address
- 26-28, London Road, Forest Hill, London, England, SE23 3HF
- Notified on
- 30 June 2016
- Ceased on
- 22 December 2017
- Date of birth
- March 1985
- Nationality
- British
- Country of residence
- United Kingdom
- Nature of control
- Has significant influence or control