- Company Overview for ECO-BOS DEVELOPMENT LIMITED (06686237)
- Filing history for ECO-BOS DEVELOPMENT LIMITED (06686237)
- People for ECO-BOS DEVELOPMENT LIMITED (06686237)
- Charges for ECO-BOS DEVELOPMENT LIMITED (06686237)
Persons with significant control: 1 active person with significant control / 0 active statements
Orascom Development Holding Ag Active
- Correspondence address
- C/O Andermatt Alpine Destination, Gotthardstrasse 12, 6460 Altdorf Ur, Switzerland
- Notified on
- 4 April 2018
- Governing law
- Legal form
- Aktiengesellschaft (Ag)
- Place registered
- Handelsregisteramt Des Kantons Uri
- Registration number
- Che-114.029.51 Ch12030023533
- Incorporated in
- Switzerland
- Nature of control
Statement Withdrawn
- The company has not yet completed taking reasonable steps to find out if there is anyone who is a registrable person or a registrable relevant legal entity in relation to the company
- Notified on
- 2 September 2016
- Withdrawn on
- 4 April 2018