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Company number 07187214

Charge code 0718 7214 0003

23 September 2013
30 September 2013
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Lloyds Bank PLC

Brief description

Any sum standing to the credit of all present and future accounts of the company with lloyds bank PLC ("bank") whether such accounts are in the sole name of the company or in the joint name of two or more of futures for children limited (company number 03683754), time for children limited (company number) 03866559), fostering options limited (company number 04356133), foster care solutions limited (company number 07187214) and/or cft fostering limited (company number 06297970) ("companies") and includes accounts in the bank's name with any designation which includes the name(s) of any one of more of the companies, whether in sterling or any other currency or currency unit and the debt from time to time owing by the bank represented by that sum.. Notification of addition to or amendment of charge.